Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Nicole Yeow-Traditional Games

Good day, I am Nicole Yeow. I have been tasked with findings on the topic "Traditional Games" I have done a rough flowchart on my part of the website. And have already designed the GUI for my website which is going to be the same as the main GUI. The current photo for the GUI is not the final GUI but the concept remains the same.

 The current GUI for the main page and designed by me.
This is the flowchart for my part of the entire website

1 comment:

  1. No use of tools, not much content, no references. This is week 12. No longer week 8. Need more for progress at this stage. Also your references should not be just a list of URL, you must place it near the object or material that is used. Why don't you put your part in your individual page above?
