Sunday, 31 July 2011

Updates for Group DM

Over the past few weeks, our group has been actively handling all other assignments including the E-wallpaper and currently handling the personal website assignment. We've managed to create a Facebook group for Group DM which allows us to discuss on each others' progress as well as to share our findings.
We've managed to find a few websites which contain information regarding the Malya Culture such as Tourism Malaysia website ( and also another webpage by the name of Warisan Budaya Malaysia ( So far we have design the header like as seen in the blog. Then we are going to do the button tabs using photoshop. We also discuss the layout of our website and colour of our website but it is subject to changes.

1 comment:

  1. where are the individual pages? You have not created individual pages for each member to show their progress with the project. Also, there is little or no progress of the assignment 3 like GUI design, layout of website, flowcharts and so on or I could not find it in this blog.

    As such, your assessment is D
